Embark on an epic journey with me!! I am here to share my experiences and challenges living with a rare auto-immune disorder called Relapsing Polychondritis. A term unknown to many, even those within the medical profession. A term that leaves a sudden shock to those who are diagnosed.

Witnessing the lack of support for people like me, how difficult it was finding information online to help manage this disease and trying to find ways to communicate and relate my symptoms to others has led me to start a blog to share with you all, my journey with RP. 

Hello, to whoever is visiting my page. My name is Loriann (Lori) Calixto.  I am a simple and ordinary female, residing in CT. I have lived in CT practically, my whole life. I have also lived in Puerto Rico during my youth years for about 3 years. Those times were fun. Fast forwarding to today....I am married and have been happily married for 15 years to a very supportive partner. We have two beautiful children, a teenage boy named Nathaniel (after his father) aged 15 and a mini-me named Nathalia, aged 10. 

I was diagnosed with Relapsing Polychondritis in March of 2022. My life since then has changed. I cannot say if it changed for the better or for the worse since I do have my days where I feel happy and grateful to be alive, but I also have days where I feel sick, little to no energy and would rather just be in bed, resting and watching movies.  Since my diagnosis, my life has been a roller-coaster ride of emotions.

In brief, for those who do not know what Relapsing Polychondritis (RP) is, it is defined as a "rare auto-immune disorder causing inflammation and deterioration of cartilage (connective tissue). Symptoms often include pain, swelling and redness in the ears. The condition also can impact the nose, airway and other body parts. Most people can manage episodes with medications, but rare complications can be life-threatening."

Relapsing Polychondritis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Currently, RP has targeted my left ear. I would have to say my symptoms are currently under control due to taking  Hyrimoz once a day every two weeks, Methotrexate 25 mg once a week and calcium 8 hours after taking MTX. One of my biggest fears was and still is to be on medications for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, it seems this the path destiny has chosen for me. But here I am, trying to remain positive, move forward with life and find ways to deal with my health to continue to enjoy my life with my family and friends.

About this blog!

RPWarrior87 is a blog dedicated to helping others diagnosed with RP or those with a rare disease that need additional moral support. I am here to share my past and current experiences living with RP. I also do hope to hear about your journey as well. To learn about your experiences and challenges living with a rare auto-immune disease. Or any disease in general to learn what challenges were encountered and what steps you took to move forward. 


Unfortunately, based on what my Rheumatologist has told me many times before is that there aren't enough studies out there related to RP in order to help determine how does this auto immune disease develop in the first place. As my Rheumatologist once told me, "There are not enough you's out there to conduct studies". Therefore, we are left uncurable, at times feeling hopeless, and trying different medications to determine which one has the best end result.

I look forward to sharing my story with you all as well as hearing yours!!!